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Showing (1 - 10) of 23 Results
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  • $0.00 - $50.00
  • $50.00 - $150.00
  • $150.00 - $500.00
  • $500.00 +
Moria Goblins Image
Moria Goblins
Moria Goblins are small, mean-spirited creatures that live a troglodyte existence in the numerous mines beneath the Misty Mountains, and many of the once-great Dwarven halls are now home to these loathsome beings.
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Mordor Troll Image
Mordor Troll
The Trolls of Mordor have been bred by Sauron so that they can withstand the light of the sun without turning to stone like other Trolls.
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Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet Image
Gondor Battlecry Trebuchet
As the forces of Mordor bear down upon the gates of Minas Tirith, her defenders unleash the power of the Battlecry Trebuchets against their enemy’s ranks.
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Smaug Image
Smaug is a Fire-drake hailing from the mountains far to the north.
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Sauron Image
The Dark Lord
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Uruk Hai Siege Assault Ballista Image
Uruk Hai Siege Assault Ballista
The Uruk-hai army that besieged Helm’s Deep was no mere rabble, but a well-ordered host with weapons and wargear devised by the White Wizard himself.
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Watcher in the water Image
Watcher in the water
He be watching you at holler gate
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Theoden Image
King of Rohan
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Aragorn Image
King of Gondor
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Warg Riders Image
Warg Riders
Wargs are gigantic, evil wolves - massive and dangerous creatures with a cunning and carnivorous intelligence. Warg Riders scout far ahead of the main armies of Orcs and other evil creatures, spying out the land and picking off stragglers. In battle wargs swarm towards the foe in great packs, tearing the enemy down with bestial fury.

This box set contains 6 plastic Warg Riders, including 2 with spear, 2 with bow and 2 with sword. Models supplied with 40mm round bases.
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Showing (1 - 10) of 23 Results
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